Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HSS US Ghosh Varg

The serene and typically quiet environment of Panchavati Ashram in New York became filled with Ghosh Naad during the North East Sambhag Ghosh Varg samarop program held on April 26, 2009. Sixty swayamsevaks, sevikas and shishu/bala representing all six vibhags had gathered at the ashram during the weekend for Ghosh Varg. This was the second ghosh varg in the sambhag, the first one being in April of last year.

The purpose of varg was to advance the quality of vadan, learn new rachana, and understand the importance/sanctity of ghosh. Apekshits (participants) for the varg included those who knew how to play at least 1 rachana. The thrust areas during the varg were playing rachana with Shuddha-Swara and learning how to incorporate ghosh for inculcating qualities of a swayamsevak and strengthening Shakha.

The varg included 5 sessions for learning rachana in small groups, 6 sessions for practicing ghosh together and 5 sessions for practicing sanchalan, formation and ghosh-dand. Other sessions, such as a discussion on how to practice ghosh outside shakha and varg, sharing experiences from those who participated in path-sanchalan in Bharat, presentation on karyakarta who contributed for the development of ghosh, and a video of ghosh-varg in Bharat, not only served as well-needed breaks between practices but also enhanced understanding the relevance of Ghosh in Sangh. The presence of senior vadaks, those who participated in ghosh in Bharat, contributed significantly to the success of the varg.

Additionally, there was a vibhag-wise baithak to discuss what ghosh activities can be conducted in shakha and the vibhag during the next year. Playing Dhwajaropanam in shakha, teaching ghosh either during shakha or before/after shakha, holding vibhag ghosh vargs, and introducing ghosh during family camps, kishor sanghiks, utsav, etc were some ideas generated in the baithak.

During the samarop program, forty-three vadak gave a ghosh pradarshan (presentation) comprised of 11 rachana in Aanak, Vamshi, and Shankh that they had learned during the varg. The pradarshan also included the formation of Sudarshan Chakra while playing ghosh. Many families who joined for the samarop program noted that the vadan quality and pradarshan had improved from last year. Everyone enjoyed ashirvachan by Swami Sri Madan ji from Panchavati Ashram, and an inspiring bauddhik from Saumitra Gokhale ji, America zone pracharak. He spoke on the important role of ghosh in Sangh work and in society as a whole.

The cozy atmosphere of Panchavati Ashram, affectionate nature of Swami ji, and sumptuous food prepared by Sevika provided the perfect environment for the varg. The theme of remaining green was implemented by bringing our own re-useable plates, spoons, and cups. This helped to increase awareness about how we can actively participate toward sustainability. Though the varg was packed with activities, there was never a lapse in enthusiasm. Playing ghosh together created a high level of excitement and energy that permeated the entire varg. Even after samarop, the varg participants were not ready to put their instruments down and continued playing rachana, singing geet, and enjoying. Everyone left the varg motivated, energized, and ready to spread the joy of ghosh.

Following are the different links of the photos of this varg.

Thanks Aprna Ji for this write-up.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में सन १८५७ की क्रांति का महत्व हम सब जानते हैं|
आज सुबह-सुबह अनायास हीं १८५७ के संग्राम का ध्यान मन में आया और मैंने गूगल पर इस संग्राम से जुरे कुछ चित्र ढूँढने को सोचा| बी बी सी की साईट पर काफी दुर्लभ चित्र मिल गए| सोचा की उन्ही चित्रों को यहाँ पर भी संलग्न करूँ| बी बी सी का धन्यवाद् भी करना चाहूँगा|

यह चित्र लखनऊ के सिकंदर बाग़ का है| इस चित्र को लेने के लिए धरती को खोद कर कंकाल निकले गए

ये कानपूर है| लगभग १००० ब्रिटिश सैनिक और उनके परिवार जनरल व्हीलर के इस छावनी में तीन सप्ताह तक छुपे रहे| नाना साहिब के बहादुर सैनिकों ने पुरे समय इस पर बमबारी करते रहे|
सती चौरा घाट, कानपूर| जनरल व्हीलर की छावनी में छिपे अंग्रेज सैनिक नाव के द्वारा इस घाट से निकलने वालेथे|
एन मौके पे नाना साहेब के सैनिक वहां पहुँच गए और ना जाने कितनों को यमलोक का मार्ग दिखाया|

गंगू मेहतर| इन्हे ८ सितम्बर १८५९ को कानपूर में फांसी दी गयी|
इनपर आरोप था की इन्होने सती चौरा घाट पे काफी अंग्रेजों को मारा था|

१८५७ के विद्रोह के सैनिकों को इस तरह सार्वजनिक रूप से फांसी देना अंग्रेजों के लिए आम बात थी|

अंग्रेजों ने अपने मारे गए सैनिकों की स्मृति में यह स्मारक दिल्ली में बनवाया| ८ जून और ७ सितम्बर १८५७ के मध्य लगभग २१६३ अंग्रेज सैनिक और अफसर मरे गए थे| यह चित्र १८७० में लिया गया|